Ziwei (Sara) Gong

I am a second-year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Columbia University under the supervision of Professor Julia Hirschberg.

My research interest is in multimodal learning and the interdisciplinary studies between NLP and psychology.

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A Survey on Open Information Extraction from Rule-based Model to Large Language Model
Pai Liu*, Wenyang Gao*, Wenjie Dong*, Lin Ai*, Ziwei Gong*, Songfang Huang, Zongsheng Li, Ehsan Hoque, Julia Hirschberg, Yue Zhang

This survey paper provides an overview of OpenIE technologies spanning from 2007 to 2024, emphasizing a chronological perspective absent in prior surveys. It examines the evolution of task settings in OpenIE to align with the advances in recent technologies.

Multimodal Multi-Loss Fusion Network for Sentiment Analysis
Zehui Wu*, Ziwei Gong*, Jaywon Koo, Julia Hirschberg
NAACL, 2024

In this work we investigate the optimal selection and fusion of features encoders across multiple modalities and combine these in a neural network to improve sentiment analysis.

A Mapping on Current Classifying Categories of Emotions Used In Multimodal Models for Emotion Recognition
Ziwei Gong, Xinyi Hu, Muyin Yan, Xiaoning Zhu, Julia Hirschberg
The 18th Linguistic Annotation Workshop, EACL, 2024

Compare the current classification methods in recent models and datasets, and propose a valid method to combine different emotion categories.

Eliciting Rich Positive Emotions in Dialogue Generation
Ziwei Gong, Qingkai Min, Yue Zhang
SICon, First Workshop on Social Influence in Conversations, ACL, 2023   (Oral Presentation)

Propose to model various emotions in large unannotated conversations, such as joy, trust and anticipation, by leveraging a latent variable to control the emotional intention of the response.

Exploring New Methods for Identifying False Information and the Intent Behind It on Social Media: COVID-19 Tweets
Lin Ai, Run Chen, Ziwei Gong, Julia Guo, Shayan Hooshmand, Zixiaofan Yang, Julia Hirschberg
SocialSens, Sixth International Workshop on Social Sensing, ICWSM, 2021

Teaching & Services

Teaching Assistant, Advanced Topics in Spoken Language Processing, Columbia University, Spring 2024

Teaching Assistant, Advanced Topics in Spoken Language Processing, Columbia University, Spring 2023

Mentor, Women In Science at Columbia (WISC) undergraduate mentoring program, Spring 2023

Empirical Reasoning Fellow, ERC, Barnard College, Fall 2019 & Spring 2020

Teaching Assistant, Statistics, Barnard College, Fall 2018

Professional Experience

Amazon Web Services, Deep Learning at AWS, SDE Full-time. Feburary 2022 – September 2022

Amazon Web Services, Deep Learning at AWS, SDE Intern. June 2021 – September 2021


Grad Cohort for Women

I'm attending 2024 CRA-WP Grad Cohort for Women this April in Minneapolis!

Website design from Jon Barron.